7 Unconventional Knowledge About Social Media Marketing That You Can’t Learn From Books

facts about social media

Social media marketing is all the rage in modern society. You can’t establish a business without looking into marketing strategies that could really help build your brand. One way to do this is to harness the great influence of social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To help you better understand how it works, here are 7 unconventional lessons about social media marketing that you can’t learn from books.

It’s Not a Linear System

One of the most important things you need to know about social media marketing is that it’s not a linear system. In fact, when you tap different leading platforms to expand your business or brand, you are presented with several options. It’s up to you to decide which ones to choose. While there are several general techniques in digital marketing that you can take advantage of to reap success, they don’t always apply to everyone. So, you really have to experiment on your marketing campaigns and get creative. Using analytics to determine KPIs will be be very beneficial to you in this area.

call to action

Importance of Call-To-Actions (CTAs)

In order to establish your online presence and expand your target reach, you’ve finally set up accounts on several online platforms, including an official website. This website will contain everything there is to know about your brand, including a catalog of your available products and services. The next step will be to establish call-to-actions. CTAs lead potential customers from every single one of your social networks to your official website. Don’t forget to include all of these links on each profile so that interested visitors can reach you in every platform you’re in.

Targeting Your Competitor’s Followers

When done out of social media marketing context, targeting your competitor’s followers doesn’t sound all that nice nor legal. But note that even the biggest and most popular businesses do this clever tactic to gain a more solid following. You want to market your brand to people who have a good chance in responding positively. You want actual leads for maximum customer conversion and retention. Targeting your competitor’s followers is an efficient way to achieve these goals. You can even make use of third-party tools, such as followerwonk, and myhelpster, for the most efficiency.

hard to sell

No to Hard-Selling

Hard-selling on social networking platforms is almost like asking your Facebook friends to like your recently changed profile picture. Think of creative ways to sell your products or services. This is where marketing campaigns come in handy. For example, you could come up with blog posts or write-ups that will introduce your product in a much more convincing way. Collaborating with similar websites to launch your product can really boost your online presence.

Giveaways Matter

One way for you to introduce a new product is to launch a special giveaway or promotion with CTAs disguised as giveaway mechanics. You want to build collective interest from potential customers. Giveaways and promotions offer a ton of benefits for your brand: (1) you gain a more solid following, (2) you expand your audience, (3) you keep your followers tuned in, and (4) you collect interest for your products and services. Toss in a few CTAs for a better shopping experience and better assistance for your potential customers.

giveaways matters


Exploring Platform Features

Social media platforms come up with new features on the regular. Part of effective digital marketing is to explore these features and use them to your marketing advantage. One example would be to produce live videos on Facebook or Instagram to tease an upcoming launch. By doing this, you keep your followers guessing on what you have to offer. They’ll also keep themselves tuned in until the launch, making sure they’re the first ones to see and ultimately purchase your product. Hashtags are also a great way to personalize your marketing campaign. Including at least one unique hashtag for every campaign not only establishes your online presence; it also allows for better organization.

personalized responses

Personalized Responses

When dealing with a customer inquiry or engaging with your audience, it’s always a good idea to speak their language. Don’t be afraid to add humor and a nice casual tone to your responses, and always be straight to the point. You can even toss in a few “trending” jargons or memes for a more relatable and amusing conversation. People don’t want robot-speak, so you have to keep your responses as casual and informative as possible.


Not only do these marketing strategies play a contributing role to the growth of the company; this modern form of marketing also points you toward more goals and opportunities for improvement. If executed well, social media marketing strategies can really solidify your place in whatever industry you are a part of.

About the Author:

Jessa Camacho is part of Marketing team of ConvertBetter and she has a good grasp of all the essentials of building and promoting a website. Her skills and knowledge in her field makes her prominent in the company.