5 Ways to Develop Strong Employer Brand on Social Media


Your employer brand, also known as your company’s reputation, is one of the key factors in attracting amazing talent to join your team.

Companies who have carefully considered and built their employer branding are viewed as highly desirable places to work by potential employees, increasing the pool of potential new hires interested in working with your company.

Today’s job seekers can afford to be selective when applying for jobs and the majority research a company’s reputation before they even send a resume.

If job seekers don’t like what they see, they won’t bother to apply for your open positions.

If you want to attract top talent, the employer brand that you develop is what you want to promote.

How to Promote My Employer Brand?


Besides your website, using social media as part of your recruiting strategy can open up your pool of highly qualified candidates.

Most companies today use social media to reach out and connect with current and potential customers.

Not only is social media essential for presenting you in a great light to potential clients, but it also is an important step in attracting potential employees.

Every employer knows that superstar employees can take your company to the next level. You want a talent that can make your business skyrocket.

A strong social media presence can attract such strong talent to your company, especially with younger employees who have grown up with social media as an essential aspect of their everyday lives.

The following are five ways that social media can help you develop a strong employer brand and recruit top talent for your company.

1. Social Media Establishes Your Brand’s Voice

Social Media Networks

While websites and promotional materials are fantastic for letting potential employees and clients know what your company is about, they are generally static and change little from day-to-day.

Social media is constantly changing, responding to current events, trends and concerns.

This allows you to connect with your audience in meaningful ways, helping you to appear genuine and friendly to your followers.

Social media also gives you an opportunity to consistently show how you are unique in your field.

By seeing daily what sets you apart from your competitors, potential employees can view you as a leader in the field, and as the company they would prefer to connect with and work for.

2. Social Media Promotes Your Company Culture

Social Media marketing

Many of the most highly successful companies ensure that their social media postings tell great stories about the company, featuring employees, the office, special events, company perks and interesting projects your company is involved with.

Social media recruiting is the perfect way to promote your company culture to potential employees.

This not only shows the human side of your company and makes you more relatable, but it also helps to connect you with potential employees that share your values and are drawn to your company culture.

Employees that fit in with your culture are happier, more productive and stay with the company longer.

3. Social Media Reaches Global Audience


Before social media, many companies, and especially smaller organizations struggled to reach beyond a local audience.

This meant that most talent that joined the team would also be from that local area unless you spent time and money conducting a wider search. Today, however, social media can give you a global audience, connecting you with people across the country and around the world.

Your company has the means to attract and recruit talent outside of your local area, increasing your chances of finding the truly best of the best to join your team.

Not only can you attract a wider audience, but it greatly decreases the time it takes you to find new talent.

Instead of relying on lengthy and expensive talent searches, the chances are high that the potential employee you are looking for is already connected with you via social media, engaging with and learning about your company.

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4. Social Media Promotes Flexibility

Today’s employees have expectations about their employers different from previous generations.

Work flexibility is one of their expectations.

They will want flexibility with working hours, but also working arrangements.

Since you can now reach a global audience, having the option to work remotely will be an especially attractive point to potential employees.

Younger generations especially want to be assured that the company they work for encourages work-life balance, professional development, and opportunities to reach their goals.

While you could list these on your company website in a benefits section, social media allows you to tell stories about your company’s work flexibility and opportunities for growth.

This helps potential employees see your company’s flexibility in action.

When you post stories and photos about your company’s remote work benefits and how those have reshaped productivity and employee morale, you will attract the talent that will thrive on such benefits.

5. Social Media Encourages Social Sharing

With social media, the content doesn’t just come from you.

In fact, many companies use employee-generated content to promote the company, its culture, and its brand.

This can bring a more human element to your company, making you more attractive to workers and to clients alike.

Employee-generated content helps potential employees feel connected with those already working at the company and also gives them confidence that employees are important and valued members of the team.

When employees produce and post content, a company team or family-like environment is promoted.

Employee-generated content also drastically improves your reach. Besides your own company’s followers, your employees also have their own networks of family, friends and other connections.

When they are encouraged to generate and post content, they are more likely to share that with their own networks, helping more people to learn about your company.

In essence, social media is free advertising, bringing your company directly to the feeds of people who are interested in learning more about you!

Be Active on Social Media

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In today’s rapidly changing world, a strong social media presence is not only helpful for your company, but it is also expected that you are present there.

Many potential employees have grown up with social media as a constant part of their daily lives and it only makes sense to use it to promote your company, build your reputation and attract the top talent in the world.

With a strong social media presence, you can take your company to the next level, exceeding your goals and expectations!

–Joe Peters is a Baltimore-based freelance writer and an ultimate techie. When he is not working his magic as a marketing consultant, this incurable tech junkie devours the news on the latest gadgets and binge-watches his favorite TV shows. Follow him on @bmorepeters